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Positive Personal Growth, - Your mindset
December 10, 2014

Watch those thoughts!

It's Kay Drummond from
December 2014

This issue includes:

  • The Way You Think
  • Thought Talk
  • Pass This On Please

Did you know your thoughts make your reality? I am sure you do, and yet do you find you are still focussing on those negative thoughts and upsetting feelings that creep into your mind and keep you feeling unhappy. If the way we think is the way we are, and we aren't happy with how we are, then surely it must be in our control to alter the way things are in our life?

Do you spend your time telling yourself that you can't do some things? Is there something you really want to do, and yet for some unknown reason you tell yourself you're not even going to try because you know you will fail? When you do this you limit yourself and what you can do. The more you limit yourself with these negative thoughts, then, of course, the less you will achieve.

It's funny you know, but so many of us want better lives, we aren't happy with the way things are, and yet we continue with these self-limiting thoughts. We can't seem to make the effort to improve our thought process by being positive.

When you continuously put yourself down by saying you can't do something, this is the way you are shaping yourself. It is so easy isn't it to say "I can't do that," but what would happen if you said "I can do that," and gave it a go? Wont it be great when you try something, succeed, and sit back and say "I didn't think I could do that."

The reason you could do it, was because you changed your thoughts and told yourself that you could. This is what you should do when you appear to be stuck in a rut and want to change things. It's a rut of your own making!

You have free will, freedom of choice. You can do whatever it is that you want you just have to choose to do something, and then attempt it. You may not succeed at first, but that's alright, that's OK, have another go. Try again, and you may succeed.

You trusted yourself and tried, and that's what you should do. To stand back and say you can't will not help. Step up and say "I can do this" and try. This has got to be better for you, and once you do this, and succeed, you will have the courage to try something else.

The more you alter your thoughts to fit the way you want to be, the sooner you will become this way. Only you can do this. People can tell you, you can't, people can tell you, you can. It's up to you to listen to your own inner voice, and tell yourself that you can, and you will, do this.

No matter how many times you try,if you keep trying you will eventually succeed. Only you can make your thoughts a reality. It's entirely up to you whether stay with your negative thoughts, and remain dis-satisfied, or you change your thoughts and decide to become the way you want. It's your choice, what are you going to do?

This is what life is about, you fall down, you get up, and you try again.

I want to take this opportunity of wishing you a safe and happy Christmas. May you have a 2015 that is shaped exactly how you want it to be.

All the best to you for a happy new year.

Kay x

My latest book Thought Talk is now available on Amazon. This book can help you if you allow it. It offers advice on how to live your life in the way that's right for you. It gives reasons why you might be having problems and suggestions on how to help yourself.

I have written from my own belief and experiences as a sufferer with low self confidence and self esteem problems when I was younger.

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