Ask for peace it will get you through the night

by Colleen

The blessing of being human is that emotions are temporary. As intense as they feel at times they are like waves crashing. If you stay with the feeling and keep breathing eventually it will shift to something new.

Each of us is here for a purpose. I believe that pain is an indicator that we are not on purpose. What do you have to offer? What can you share that will help someone else? You have an opportunity to leave this world better then it was when you were born. What will you do to make a difference? YOU matter.

Comments for Ask for peace it will get you through the night

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Ask for peace it will get you through the night
by: Anonymous

Good for your comments Colleen, how did you come to that conclusion, you must have been on your own journey.
A lot of people are confused and bewildered and childhood conditioning has to do a lot with that. Once anyone realises that their family is not always right and that they may be wrong, it is possible to work out who you are and what you are really capable of doing with your life. The same goes for associates and so called friends.

Counselling from the right person may do a lot to get a confused person on the right track to forming their own conclusions.

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